Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Home on the Reservation

As a family, we have entered those weeks of in-between time from one holiday to the next. It is nice to have the feeling of being settled-in taken care of, but now it seems we have traded for feelings of dull drum. This tends to really pressure the whole family into getting along. God knows that it will make our love for each other stronger. To better enjoy each other is the whole idea and to give God the time He deserves to speak and work. Our pray is that we can all accept this and value how important it can be for each of us.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Grade crazy

Grades equal stress at any grade and for all teachers who fill-out those dreaded report cards. Nothing seems to get by that doesn't have to be assessed and possibly reassessed, overtime and time again: formal/informal: small school, big school, private or public. What can I say, teaching is a life of one form of assessment based on another to make your life ever more stressful and students ever more disconcerted with tests, especially around week 8/9 of the quarter. Don't get me wrong A's are awesome, B's should still make you smile, and C's can be hard to swallow. For some, report cards are life or death, for others I am sure they use them as coasters for all the soda they drink. But here's the thing, I want how students care about making the right choices when know one, especially me is riding their back, to be what they want to make the grade. I want my student's education to infest all aspects of their lives that the only thing that has an opinion on what the report card says or is used for is the tree that was harmed in its making. Having a class full of self-evident learners is what makes my job so special. Be the knowledge and feed the knowledge.

report cards, report cards

Friday, September 21, 2007

I have a catch phrase, "Flexibility"

Fourth grade PE began with their homeroom teacher, me, getting them together as a class and team. So fun, interactive games like freeze tag, kick ball, and Frisbee football were logical choices. With PE only once a week, I knew transiting quick into structured instruction would be a right move in not wasting any time. So freeze tag was out and into a frisbee unit, we went. Despite a cooperative first week, the weather in the fall has a mind of its own. How should I have known Arizona in the fall can be windy? Needless to say with volleyball keeping us out of the gym, my best laid frisbee plans will have to be put off for a less windy fall day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

early morning September 19th “Prayer Files”

Current, on-going prayers:
Lord Jesus, right now I feel uneasy about the up and down levels of parent involvement, I have recieved so far. It feels like for some of my class I may never get any and I can also say a parent or two has become a bit overbearing. I will work hard to control my own thoughts and emotionals concerning both extremes, but really just want alittle of both to be more balanced. Lord, I look to you for the true feedback that I know is out of love wanting only my very best.
I praise you for being my God.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Teacher on the block

In my opinion, the joy of seeing homework assigned and completed has made my first two months of teaching a smashing success. I believe in counting my blessings from all angles. Fourth grade seems to be a great time in a nine or ten years life to test exactly how much work and effort are they really going to have to put in for a new teacher. Early on in the year, the “my dog ate my homework” excuse came across my desk, yet was challenged when they were given plenty of fresh paper and the recess time to use it. Being a new teacher has made me realize how valuable each minute in the day really is when giving my students the attention and instruction they deserve. I have to admit that it has been a pleasure seeing them adjust to routine and workload demands. My class consists of 10 students each willing to learn at their own pace, still holding on stubbornly to their old ways of thinking what school should be. The idea of individual involvement and a community atmosphere has begun to flourish as it is being taught in Social Studies and everyday classroom behavior. They are smart beyond my wildest dreams and I know that no challenge that I set before them really has gone unanswered. Pray for their safety and strength as the rest of the school-year continues to march on. Pray that they are lead to trust God for what home and society is not providing them. Pray most of all that God is lifted up and glorified for all the successes that take place in and around Immanuel Mission in 2007. Everyone back home in Dubuque and around our great country, you guys are great!

xie xie 謝 (Thank you in Chinese)

Click above to view additional photos taken by Yearbook Committee

Thursday, August 30, 2007

No Greater Love

This blog has an open door policy, although do not misuse my trust or take it as a weakness